Immigration Lawyer
Ross McDougall
Ross McDougall.
Solicitor & Immigration Lawyer.
Ross first qualified as a Registered Migration Agent in 1993 and as a Solicitor and Immigration Lawyer in 1994.
He established RPM Immigration Lawyers in 2012 to specialise in representing couples in Australian Partner visa applications and in appeals of refused visa applications.
Ross previously worked as a Registered Migration Agent and Immigration Lawyer for M&K Lawyers, the Refugee Advice and Casework Service, and Fragomen Migration Lawyers.
Ross holds an unrestricted Solicitor’s Practising Certificate from the Law Society of South Australia.
He has assisted hundreds of clients to get successful results in their visa applications and in appeals of refused visa applications.
Born in Australia from migrant parents, Ross understands the migration experience and that it can be rewarding, but challenging.
Ross holds degrees in Arts and in Law from Monash University, Melbourne, (1991 & 1993).
In his free time Ross enjoys bushwalking and swimming.
He and his wife swam from Greece to Turkey a few years ago – after training for 6 months! On weekends, they are gradually walking the 1,200 km Heysen Trail in South Australia from end to end.